Next, you’re going to want to start the holiday season with a clean slate.

That means it’s time for a clutter clearing, closet dumping, full on making room for miracles clean house experience.

Why now you ask? Because objects talk, they tell stories, and if we have too much stuff we don’t need or want around us, things that remind us of painful times, stuff we think we can’t get rid of but makes us feel bad when we see them, they are actually causing us harm and keeping us off balance even if we’re aren’t aware of it.

Ever go into your closet before a holiday party and seen that outfit that was once fabulous on you (when you were, like 18)? You know the one you kept because it might one day fit you but now just hangs there shaming you? All shaming clothes have got to go. Those skin tight pants that you can barely get past your knees? – bye bye now! If you can’t imagine parting with them forever then put them in a box and hide the box. You will feel so much better with a clean quiet environment. Decluttering your home environment and keeping only what you love has a huge impact on your self esteem. Then when you look around, the story you tell about your stuff will always make you feel good.

How do objects talk and tell stories?

Test an object before you remove it. Look for something that always gives you a funky feeling when you see it. Say it’s a piece of jewelry an ex lover gave you. When you hold it what story does it tell you through your memory? If it brings up unresolved emotions, or reminds you of suffering well then that is the energy that is in the atmosphere of your home, your sacred place! Why would you want that? Whatever it is, like tv personality and professional organizer Marie Kondo says. If it doesn’t spark Joy in your heart, out it goes.

Why do all this before the holidays or during them?

The most important thing to acknowledge is that the holidays are a complicated time that need simple and supportive solutions.”
Colette Baron-Reid

As a result, you spend more time in a place where the energy is clean and supportive. And that gives you good vibes which are like magnets for more!

Write down some of the stories you know have been adding unwanted energy to your environment.

Write down some of the stories of how the things you love make you feel and why.


Our Featured Expert

Hi! I’m Colette Baron-Reid and I’m so excited you’re joining us for RTT’s Winter Refresh Program and I’m honored to be your guide for this module. This content is tried and true and the basis for many of my workshops, books and audio programs that have seen real success for the people who have followed them.

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About the Author

Colette Baron-Reid

Hi! I’m Colette Baron-Reid and I’m so excited you’re joining us for RTT’s Winter Refresh Program and I’m honored to be your guide for this module. This content is tried and true and the basis for many of my workshops, books and audio programs that have seen real success for the people who have followed them.

More Refresh Lessons from Colette