Click below to listen to my audio meditation: “Invitation to Forgiveness.”

I encourage you to be accountable for your joy and well-being. The first step in getting to these states of being is to let go of the things: hurt, anger, negative ideas about yourself, and resentments that don’t serve you anymore.

Resentment keeps us connected to people and situations we need to let go of. It keeps us connected to the original moment of harm and we end up re-harming ourselves over and over as we re-feel things that happened and are unresolved. It’s an unhealthy, sneaky way that we sabotage ourselves unknowingly.

To that effect, I’ve recorded a guided audio journey that I hope will help you in your process to let go of any resentment and bitterness you may still be carrying. And the hope is that this meditation will help you start the process and encourage you to continue letting go, even if it’s just a little bit at a time. 

I’ve also included some writing prompts to accompany the meditation, so you can dig deeper as you reflect and release.

I hope you enjoy the meditation and lean into the process.  It’s a journey we are all on together.


The Clutter in Your Head

Resentments are the #1 holiday offender. And talking about the laundry list of people you hold resentment towards. So, as you listen to this meditation, let’s get honest about who those people are so you can begin to release your negative thoughts about them from your mind. 

“Resentments are like drinking poison hoping the other person suffers. The only person feeling those feelings is you.”
Colette Baron-Reid

Resentments happen for a lot of reasons, mostly because the initial harm didn’t get addressed. Or, maybe it stems from jealousy or envy about someone else’s perceived specialness or success. The bottom line is resentment is always about you and your self-worth. Unfortunately, the holiday season can be a real trigger for many people, causing resentments to rise even higher.  

We’ll talk about how to let these go in other sections of my Holiday Survival Guide module for Red Table Talk, but for now please do the following three things:

  1. Write a list of everyone and anything you resent. That includes situations, past traumas, institutions, people, family, etc. 
  2. Then say why you resent them. Meditate and think on the questions below as you say your reasons:
    • Where are you in the equation?
    • Do resentments perpetuate your self-perception of being a victim in any way?
    • Does it feel good to feel resentful? (I know that may sound like a weird or obvious question, but the point of asking it is to help you evaluate if the energy you exert to be resentful outweighs the benefits of the resentment. You might get a lot of energy from the negative feelings of resentment, and thus have no desire to potentially deal with the consequences of feeling vulnerable)
    • If resentment doesn’t make you feel good or light or joyful, how would you rather feel?
    • What if you could let these resentments go and feel the freedom experienced with you put carrying that burden down? (You may have some resentments you’ve been carrying for so long that you don’t even realize what it feels like to be lighter and free).

As you listen to this meditation, please continue to reflect on the above items I’ve asked you to consider. It is possible to move on and let go of all of the heavyweight, grief, and anger that resentments produce. All you need is willingness. So I have to ask you…

Are you willing to let go of resentments?

Just know this.

You are perfect, and worthy and blessed just as you are. 

It’s time for you to remember that.

Happy Holidays
Colette Baron-Reid!

P.S. This meditation and all the coursework in my module are actually good all year round. So please refer to this stuff again and again here. Remember, it only works if you work it! So keep pushing on your journey to survive the holidays and to thrive all year long. 


Our Featured Expert

Hi! I’m Colette Baron-Reid and I’m so excited you’re joining us for RTT’s Winter Refresh Program and I’m honored to be your guide for this module. This content is tried and true and the basis for many of my workshops, books and audio programs that have seen real success for the people who have followed them.

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About the Author

Colette Baron-Reid

Hi! I’m Colette Baron-Reid and I’m so excited you’re joining us for RTT’s Winter Refresh Program and I’m honored to be your guide for this module. This content is tried and true and the basis for many of my workshops, books and audio programs that have seen real success for the people who have followed them.

More Refresh Lessons from Colette